Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 12: Pick your characters first...

" they are harder to pick than a story."

I’ll just keep working on the characters.

Characters are indeed hard to develop. One of my problems is everybody in the story is the same. Good stories develop strong characters: they love, hate, desire, angry, revenge, kill… they have very strong emotions and one single goal. Maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but I think I really have to work on it.

The man is self-centered. He likes to talk about himself and is always unaware of it. He needs infinite support, respect, and most important of all, recognition and love.

It’s tougher to think about the woman character. The woman is also eager to be accepted. She feels lonely and her time is clicking. She has intense fear of being rejected or abandoned, and just can’t get enough emotional closeness. She's super sensitive and emotionally unstable, easily to get offended.

I have to come up some more.

88 more days to go.

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