Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 9: Don’t be afraid to write down scenes or sections that don’t lead anywhere

Damn, I tried to invite some people to follow this blog, and I ended up followed myself! How do I remove myself as a follower?

I have tons of scenes or sections that lead to nowhere. Guess they are all potentially useful in the future.

Now, I have to say I'm shocked by how many "affair and pregnant" stories you can find online--I googled these two words and the mere 1st page took me hours to read. There are many, many unbelievable things happen in those people, and every one of them can potentially become a hollywood movie.

From the stories, you can feel their pain, panic, hurt, betrayed, hatred, regret, and so many other emotions. Many of them have their own issues from the start. It probably wouldn't be hard to find someone to write.

Why do people have affairs? How does it feel to find out your partner has an affair and is pregnant (or make someone pregnant)?


91 more days to go.

1 comment:

  1. Click on your own avatar in the Follow box. On top of the new window you'll see a link call "setting." Click on it and you'll see a list of blogs that you are following, click on "stop following this blog" by your own blog.
