Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 8: Imitation... but write from your own experience

The guide says: "Imitation can lead to originality. Do short exercises imitating different styles. Try on a dozen voices until you find one that fits." But it also says: "Your experience is unique. As John Braine, author of Room at the Top, wrote, “If you’re to be heard out of all those thousands of voices, if your name is going to mean something out of all those thousands of names, it will only be because you’ve presented your own experience truthfully.”"

Imitation part I know what I should do: I should read a lot first. Writing from my own experience... definitely, but I don't have affair experience (nobody wants me). But I've seen some people around me having that experience. Maybe I can write something based on their stories.

In fact, I've checked some of the stories online too. They are quite dramatic.

I'm checking out some other sources. 92 more days to go.

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