Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 55 & 56

Yesterday I was in scout camp out w/ my 2 boys, so I didn't have time to write. I thought of something for the story though.

Day 55:
"Select your details. As Mark Twain said: “Use the right word, not its second cousin.” Remember that verbs are the strongest parts of any sentences. As Rita Mae Brown puts it, “Verbs blast you down the highway.”"

Hmm...verbs? So...actions are the key?

Day 56:
"Strunk and White in The Elements of Style make this point: “If those who have studied the art of writing are in accord on one point it is on this: The surest way to arouse and hold the reader is to be specific, definite, and concrete.”"

Ok.... specific, definite, and concrete. Let people see and touch.

Don't forget my other short story:

44 days.

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