Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 21: Prepare a rough outline of the story’s action from Chapter One through to the end.

"Novelist Katherine Anne Porter put it this way, “If I didn’t know the ending of a story, I wouldn’t begin.”
Write down the last paragraph of your novel and put it in the drawer. At the end of a hundred days, lets see how close you came to following your imagination."

My, that sounds reasonable, but then I have a lot of works to do.

Let's see... a very general outline is here:

A man is abandoned by his own dear-mother as a child and that leaves a deep, deep cut in him. As a child he also receives lots of mocks and unfair treatments, but manages to go through everything and build a career and a good family. He vows to establish a great family, a great marriage, the one that is totally different from the "family" he is originally from. However, his insecurity gradually comes and gets him and takes toll on his marriage. He starts to be attracted to the idea of having an affair...

Does he really go for his impulsion? Will he be caught? What's the end of his marriage?

Well, I kind of have a rough ending, but I can't reveal it here. We'll just see how it goes.

Another man will also be a contrast to him: this man plays around and breaks many hearts; that sort of becomes his hobby or mission. The main character despises him, but later finds out he himself probably also has a weak spot.

Now, there probably is no sci-fi in there. I would like to add sci-fi element but so far just can't think of any. The idea of time traveling seems to have no place in this outline. If there's no place for sci-fi, then I don't want to force one.

Gee, a lot of people in the story will suffer. Painful. But what can I say? I'm no comedian; absolutely not good at telling jokes. Well, there will be hope though; life is not totally, always bad. Ups and downs. That probably is life.

79 more days to go.

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