Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 39: Ideas, new and unique —

"--that’s what surprises, satisfies and pleases readers. Stay away from the tried and true. Write with imagination."

Yes, I think that's a precious advice. I can write my morning routine as a story; it is true, but it will be a very boring story.

But sometimes it is difficult to know what people perceive as "interesting." I teach a lot of interesting things in my class--from my perspective, but still some students fall asleep. Guess you just can't please everyone.

Like the story I'm writing now: the struggles of Jason and his mail-order-bride mother. Some might find it interesting, some might not. I don't even know if my opening is good enough.

I'll just keep writing. Revisions (...or reconstruction) will come later.

Some more revisions:

Don't forget my other short story:

61 days...

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